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Daily Difficult Sudoku - 02. November 2020

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This Sudoku as a SVG, png or EPS graphics.

Congratulations, you have achieved a hiscore.

If you want to, you can leave your name and propably a comment here.

However you have no guarantee that your entry won't be deleted.

Even though most comments will be posted in German (this a primarily a German site), you are very welcome to leave English comments as well. Most readers will understand them.



Nr.NameTime HintsChecksDateComment
1 nonono 1:00 0 0 2020-11-02 11:17 mit seinen fingierten Selbstgesprächen will er wohl den Mangel an sozialen Kontakten kompensieren. Welch trostlose Existenz.
2 grunzer 1:00 0 0 2020-11-04 15:26
3 nicolas59 1:35 0 0 2020-11-02 08:06
4 ag 2:02 0 0 2020-11-02 08:24
5 Rosi 2:06 0 0 2020-11-02 10:37 Hallo Cornelia, nicolas59 gehört zu denen, die nur handy, PC, soz. Netzwerke im Kopf haben??nix in der Birne?
6 RosiCorn 2:11 0 0 2020-11-02 11:35 Zu nonono mit Schummeln an Nr 1 ( 1 min ) um was zu sagen zeigt den aktuellen Stand der Phantasieverblendung
7 Dr. Mabuse 2:13 0 0 2020-11-02 05:17
8 homo erectus 2:14 0 0 2020-11-02 04:45
9 Lulatsch 2:19 0 0 2020-11-02 08:16
10 Cornelia 2:20 0 0 2020-11-02 10:10 Verdacht, dass nicolas59 geschummelt hat
11 Tobi 2:27 0 0 2020-11-02 09:38
12 Yada-yada-yada 2:30 0 0 2020-11-02 01:35

As well as 92 poor folks that where pushed out of the hiscores. All hiscores for this day.



Checks if there are any direct violations of the Sudoku rules. A Sudoku that doesn't contain such a violation may still be wrong if it is not filled entirely.
Checks if all entered numbers are correct.
Enters the correct number into one randomly chosen cell.
Solves the current Sudoku.

Hiscores are ordered primarly by the sum of the hint, check and validate, and secondary by the time (penalized).
