These hiscores are collected from all the Sudokus of this page. More statistics can be found here.
Additionally you can view monthly hiscore tables.
Table of Contents ↓
Time Distribution
Number of Sudokus solved without help plotted over the needed time. top
Number Of Solved Sudokus
Rank | Name | Solved |
1 | n e r o | 10918 |
2 | mabi317 | 10779 |
3 | maren | 10000 |
4 | andreas | 9944 |
5 | blabla | 9575 |
6 | gantenbein2 | 9099 |
7 | eibi | 8590 |
8 | schnecke | 8462 |
9 | 2ndchance | 7855 |
10 | peter | 7811 |
11 | Lette | 7652 |
12 | thomas | 7418 |
13 | trtr | 7249 |
14 | tom142 | 7228 |
Average Time Grouped By Name (No Help)
Only people who solved at least 5 puzzles without help are counted
Rank | Name | Mean Score | Std. Deviation |
Who Leads the Daily Hiscore Lists how Often?
Rank | Name | Count |
Most Active Users
During the last week
Rank | Name | Count |
Evolution of Time for Solving A Sudoku
Floating average of time needed to solve a Sudoku without help. The time axis corresponds to the time when the Sudoku was solved, not to the date of creation.